Friday, May 22, 2009

A functional feature....

Just whipped up this concept Modesty Mate... featuring a diamante buckle that slides from one side to the other... Designed to take onlookers attention AWAY from the side you are feeding from.. PLUS as an added bonus, the buckle is a little reminder of what side you are to feed from next... Let me know what you think! Paula xx

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Breastfeeding Modesty!

Allow me to introduce you to my first concept...

The Breastfeeding Modesty Mate.... No more wrestling with copious amounts of material, no more curious onlookers wondering what you have under wraps... this basic design brings modesty and camouflage together. Whilst using this modesty mate, onlookers will simply assume you are giving your babe a cuddle as there is no boob to be seen!

You simply slip the mate up your arm and let it hang whilst you get bub into your lap. Then pull the mate across your chest tucking the loose side under your opposite arm. Whilst the cover is across you firm, get your milk maker ready underneath and when you are ready to go, simply lift the bottom corner and attach your baby. It is that easy!

You get full view of your baby attached, but nobody else would even suspect that your bub isn’t just tucked in close for a cuddle against this soft and flexible material.

There is NOTHING like this at all available! I'm so excited to share this design with you!!


If you would like more information on this concept, or better yet would like to own one or two yourself, please email me at

They are SO handy and make a great addition to a feeding mothers handbag (or better yet as a baby shower gift!) This is simply SIPPY CHIC!! BRILLIANT!

In the meantime stay tuned for the next little gismo making life that much easier for us mums!!

Kindest Regards, Paula :o)
